Bottle Crate Guidelines

Remember, bottle collections are on a volunteer basis.

Scouts get 50% of what they collect put into their account. Although this is really Troop and Pack money, they will be able to use it to pay for things like, registration, summer camp, and other activities.

It’s a great way to support Scouts, without having to conduct a fundraiser, and hopefully we can make sure the crate is emptied on a regular basis. We still have theft going on, but I think if we are diligent on emptying the crate, then perhaps we will discourage the thieves. Just in case some folks weren’t aware, we have two crates at the church, and one at the school.

Bret Griswold has volunteered to send out reminder notes and keep our calendar updated.

Scout Troop 525: Please send all money collected to Mary Ann Wood. We would like to keep on top of this by collecting every week. So you can give her the money in person, or you can send it to her at: 401 Piney Woods Road, Bristol VT 05443 .

Scout Troop 802: Please send all money collected to Jessica Demeritt. You can give her the money in person, or you can send it to her at: 58 Stillson Lane, N Ferrisburg, VT 05473

Pack 525: Please send all money collected to Janelle Ronark. You can bring this to her at the Pack meetings or you can send it in the mail to: 3020 Bristol Rd Bristol, VT 05443.

Collection weeks run from Saturday to Friday. The best time is to pick up is on Saturday late afternoon, and then once or twice more during the week. You can bring the bottles to your favorite redemption center, and then if you hand the money to your treasurer, put the money in an envelope and write your name and how much on the outside. Money should be handed in no later than two weeks from when the bottles are collected.

  • Notify Bret Griswold of which weeks you would like to volunteer w/ an email to
  • Check for weekly assignments
  • Sign-up week runs from Saturday-Friday.
  • Crates at both the Church and School should be checked at least twice a week
  • Suggested best times are Sunday afternoon and Friday
  • Crates need to be emptied (including garbage)
  • Scouts may place non-returnable recyclables in the roll-offs at the Monkton recycling center.
  • Bottles can be turned in favorite redemption center
  • Checks or cash should be turned into Troop/Pack Treasurer
  • All non-returnables should be taken care of appropriately.
  • If there are scheduling conflicts, please try to work it out with another volunteer, and then notify Bret of the change.
  • If everybody volunteers for one week, then you will only have to collect bottles once per year.
  • Do not feel that you have to completely empty the crates if you can’t – we just need to keep ahead on the in-flow. Hopefully the next family in the rotation can catch up.

Any questions or concerns, please contact George Parker (, Russ Baker ( 453-4859) or Bret Griswold ( 453-8488).