Folks, we are still planning on attending Mt Norris next summer, but for the boys who may be looking for something more than your standard summer camp, we are looking to book a week long canoe trek in the Adirondacks. If you are receiving this note, then either you or your son is eligible (this is only for older boys).
I don’t have a date selected yet, as I am confirming some things with the camp facility. The cost for the week will be about $400. Below is a description of the trek the boys selected.
Depending on how many boys are interested, we may have two crews.
Please let me know if your son would be interested in attending. Payment for this trek would be due by May 1st.
The Raquette River Headwaters – Max Group Size: 12
The Raquette River is the longest river flowing within the Adirondack Park. Many Scouts see it as a challenge and set a goal of beginning at its source and paddling its length within the “Blue Line”. This is an admirable goal! As you travel Blue Mountain Lake, the Marion River, Raquette and Forked Lakes, you will not only be following the paths of millionaires and legendary Adirondack guides of the 19th Century, but you will also be able to get close to wildlife. It is here that Scouts have seen osprey diving out of the sky to catch their supper. As you put in after the Marion River Carry, look down into the clear waters and see if you can see trout between 1 and 2 feet long as other Scouts before you have.
Every day before and after supper you’ll be able to swim or fish in some of the finest waters one can find in these mountains. Later, after your evening campfire, you’ll be serenaded to sleep by loons. After Forked
Lake this gathering of waters is finally named the Raquette River. Drift along with the current with a fish line trolled behind. What’s that noise? Buttermilk Falls! Could Adirondack Murray really have shot it in
a wooden canoe as he claimed? (We’ll use the portage trail…)
It’s on to Long Lake next. Too soon it’s time to pull the boats from the water and tie them on the trailer. Who would believe a week could go by so fast?
Options that can be added to this Trek include: a scenic flight over your route or a visit to the Adirondack Museum, perhaps the best of its kind in the world.